Outreach is about caring and connecting with the community…it takes a community effort.  We can make a difference when we work together through collaboration and building partnerships to combat today’s public health issues such as domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and homelessness; to includes investing into mentorship programs for our youth and assisting our elderly in the community. The collaboration and partnerships allow Restoration & Purpose Community Outreach to invest in the communities by creating mentorships for our youth, assisting our elderly, creating community service projects, hosting training to educate on public health issues that are mentioned above. Develop task forces to work together to provide solutions and create change.


1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men report having experienced severe physical violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime. 


There are four types of violence:  Sexual coercion, Force to penetrate someone, rape, and unwanted sexual contact.


Human Trafficking is the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel a person into commercial sex acts or labor involuntarily.


Homelessness impacts a person’s health, physically and mentally.


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    2681 Cecil Street, Chicago, IL 60606


